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Giving Tree's aspirations are to lead projects and programs around the world pursuant to our mission.  We want to maximize our reach and provide the most impact in areas of greatest need.


Our mission is summarized into four key focus areas.  Each area can host an infinite number of actionable ideas that drive progress.  Giving Tree prioritizes each idea based on impact and reach.


Many of our projects are home grown and operated but we also work with a wide base of partners around the world to maximize our mission.  As we grow, to will the size, number, and reach of our projects.

Land Conservation

Land is being developed at an alarming pace.  Animal habitats, ecosystems, and human life-sustaining food and oxygen sources are being replaced.  Wildlife habitat in the world is being replaced at a rate of approximately 5,760 acres per day or 240 acres per hour.  We acquire land through purchase or donation to safeguard it in its natural state and maximize it's planet-positive impact.

Farmland Protection

Farms, ranches, vineyards, orchards, and other food growing acreage are in rapid decline as owners struggle to compete against commercial scale food processors forcing farmers to sell.  Productive agricultural land is in decline.  We acquire food producing acreage to maintain their agricultural purposes, keeping farmers on their land where possible

Forest Restoration and Tree Planting

Trees are vital to the global environment.  They clean up air and water, cool down the earth's surface with shade, are homes to wildlife, grow food, and much more.  From land development, the timber industry, and other uses, trees are disappearing faster than replenished.  We restore trees from nursery to planting, often partnering with K-12 schools to provide hands-on educational experiences.

Restore Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are dying form changes in ocean temperature and chemistry.  They support more species per unit area than any other marine environment, including about 4,000 species of fish, 800 species of hard corals and hundreds of other species with many undiscovered species.  Covering less than one percent of the ocean floor, coral reefs support an estimated 25 percent of all known marine species.  We restore corals from nurseries to planting and provide opportunities for K-12 schools to learn chemistry and biology  by growing corals in classroom reef tanks.

Coming in 2024

Ocean and Waterways Cleanup

Animal Sanctuary and Wildlife Refuge

An incredible amount of human generated trash and pollutants end up in our waters.  Over 70% of the earths surface is covered in water, 50% of the planet's oxygen supply comes from oceans, and provides home to near 94% of the earth's wildlife.  Yet over 11 million metrics tons of plastic enter our oceans through trash and the total amount of plastic is on track to overtake the number of fish by 2050.  We aim to remove existing trash from oceans, beaches, and waterways and provide solutions to prevent trash from reaching them in the first place.

Coming in 2024

Approximately 30,000 species per year — about three per hour — are being driven to extinction.  This is happening through destruction of wildlife habitats for residential and commercial purposes, over fishing, poaching and trafficking, and other human causes.  As a natural synergy to our Land Conservation and Farmland Protection efforts, we establish safe places for wildlife to prosper.  In some cases, we offer public  or specialized K-12 educational opportunities.

Coming in 2025

More to come...

We are just starting out our work with our public launch in 2023 with grand aspirations for our future.  Many more projects, programs, products, and technologies that serve our mission by us or our partners will be added as we grow.  In the near future, we will be actively looking for volunteers to help pursue our mission but right now the best way to help is to donate!  Please consider a donation, small or large, one time or monthly.



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The Giving Tree Philanthropy Fund is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

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TAX ID:  87-2882740

© 2023 by Giving Tree Philanthropy Fund.

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